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Bases Loaded: How a Sports Store Can Score from Point of Sale Software

Bases Loaded: How a Sports Store Can Score from Point of Sale Software
Score a basket with point of sale software specifically designed for a sporting goods store.

From balls and bats to skis and bikes, your sporting goods store has everything customers need to make the most of the outdoors as well as at the game.

However, you also need to make your inside operations work efficiently, and that’s where point of sale software, as part of your overall small business management package, will help you score a homerun.

On the starting block

With integrated point of sale software you will never have to hear the “ka-ching” of a cash register ever again.

Sports stores benefit from an easy-to-use system that can be used throughout their entire business, especially handy if you have more than one checkout area or if you own more than one store.

Who’s on first?

You won’t strike out when it comes to keeping track of your sales, store balances, accounting, inventory and more with an integrated point of sale software program.

You can print up real-time reports, add comments to invoices, and even create quick cash sales, where you can scan an item and take your customer’s money in two easy steps.

The Hat Trick

Your customers will become fans once they see how quickly and efficiently their transactions will take place. Point of sale software allows you to use a bar code scanner that plugs into your system to:

  1. Check in received shipments
  2. Check out sold goods
  3. Reduce chances of human error

Athletic support:

Whether your store is a small mom and pop operation or a large sporting goods conglomerate, store inventory software is the key to a successful business. Prepare your own specific game plan by optimizing your stock levels. That way you will never run out of your most popular pieces of equipment.

In the case of a large inventory, you can find that particular brand of golf ball or tennis racket by search via:

  • Description
  • Serial number
  • Supplier’s part number
  • Lookup windows

Defensive strategy:

With small business inventory software as part of your point of sale software, you can even create estimates. This adds to your customer service when a client is short on cash and needs to return to complete a sale. The inventory number, quantity and sale value will remain on file. The estimate can also be converted into a work order if that particular piece of equipment needs to be ordered from the factory or another store.

Want to reach your goal of running a successful sporting goods store? Read our blog on 4 Reasons Why Sporting Goods POS Software Is A Team Player

Windward System Five Software offers easy-to-train and use sporting goods POS software that offers everything from point of sale to inventory control to back office accounting. You won’t be left holding the ball, as we have an on-call support team based around the world, as well as self-help information and webinars to answer all your questions.

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